Beyond the Joke: Rarely Asked Questions with Kevin James Doyle

US comedian Kevin James Doyle makes a welcome return to the Edinburgh Fringe this year with a new hour ‘After Endgame’.

Kevin has taught over 6500 lessons of chess in New York City in the past 13 years! This show is about how the lessons you learn from chess can apply to real-life. A chess game, like any story, also has a beginning, middle and end – in chess the conclusion of the match is called Endgame. This show is about what happens after the game is over and whether you have won or lost!

In fiction chess metaphors for how to win or lose in life can be found in Harry Potter, Taylor Swift songs, The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman, Bob Dylan and Wu Tang Clan lyrics. Endgame is not just a play by Samuel Becket and it’s also the highest grossing film of all time, The Avengers: Endgame. These alongside one of the biggest hit shows of the last few years ‘The Queen's Gambit’. These all beg the question, Are you a King, A queen or a Pawn? Are you thinking 2 steps ahead? Are you a mastermind or are you the one being played?

Join Kevin as he dissects a few of the biggest chess stories in history, where he talks about strategy as well as a new scandal currently in the news. In 1770 a Mechanical Automaton called The Turk toured the world claiming to be an automated chess robot, it played Napoleon, Ben Franklin and King George. People would pay to see it play and win all its games until it was revealed to be a hoax with a person beneath the machine making all the moves. The first chess scam.

Doyle’s personal experience with chess allowed him to meet some of the richest people on the planet, millionaires and billionaires, bankers with boats and homes in the Hamptons, art dealers with Picasso’s and Basquiat’s in their private collection. He even went on a date with one of the princesses of Morocco when he was a poor artist and she was rich royalty!

In February 2023 Kevin was put into contact with an investor who lived in Singapore, one of the wealthiest nations per capita in the world. The investor had heard about him as a chess teacher and the method of teaching he had developed. He described it as ‘the engine of a Ferrari but with your business acumen it was like it had no tires, no doors and no steering wheel’, but that was what he was the expert at. At his request Kevin was flown First Class to Singapore to live in the investors second home to teach his millionaire and billionaire friends. These would become investors into their combined new company and Doyle would be on the road to Generational Wealth! This show tells you what happened next to hilarious consequences…

Kevin co-hosts a critically acclaimed podcast called ‘The Bradshaw Boys’ where three guys watch Sex & the City for the first time and discuss what happens. Many of the cast members including Sarah Jessica Parker and Kristin Davis have been guests. He also wrote and performed in a show called ‘How To Be A New Yorker’ that ran off Broadway for 415 performances. He released his first comedy special in 2020 with his debut Fringe show ‘The 30-Year-Old Virgin’.

Kevin James Doyle’s ‘After Endgame’ is at Just The Tonic Just Up The Stairs @ 5.05pm for tickets go to

What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth) ?

I bow my head and I pray to the comedy Gods that people laugh at my jokes. Sometimes they smile upon me as the audience uproariously howls, other times I wonder if we are in a silent uncaring Godless universe. Oh ya, I also put my phone on airplane mode.

What irritates you?

Too many notifications. I bought a rug and the next day they were like ‘Hey, how do you like your rug. Do you want to buy another rug, they are 50% off. We are having a big rug sale, Get one.’ I JUST BOUGHT A RUG, give it a minute. Anyways, I am going to get another rug cause they are having a sale.

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

Statistically riding a motorcycle for 4 years. I got it in May of 2020 and just sold it. Once I was on the highway and hit a speed bump and my butt was lifted completely off the seat. I asked my friend who was a more experienced rider what to do in that situation in the future and he said ‘You hold on.’ I was like, OK, I might have to sell this thing. But also….dangerous things are fun.

What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?

Once there was a test in my Earth Science class that I didn’t study for. I figured it would be multiple choice and I would wing it. We walked into the class room and there was just a blank piece of paper with 1-40 on it and 40 rocks around the room and we had to write the name of each one. I got a 0 out of 40.

What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?

How quickly it passes and how enjoyable it is to see other peoples work and observe other people’s careers. I have found it incredibly inspiring to become friends with talented people and watch their work get recognition or have them blow up on huge levels. When I was younger I thought I would be more jealous or insecure about where I am at. I have found it to be the opposite, it’s really fun to watch other peoples successes and have that inspire your own work.

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